User Interfaces

ManiaPlanet uses UI technology named ManiaLink which is build on XML.

In eXpansion2 we use FancyManiaLinks by steeffeen which is set of PHP classes to build XML, so we don’t need to use xml templates and partials. This allows us to do some really cool stuff, like add script partials to main script file, when you use a prebuild element. Also where we use this feature is to automatically generate translations for UI labels.

Creating user interfaces in eXpansion2.

  1. The Plugin Will hold the logic when to display/update the manialink, in case of windows this can be a chat command, for widgets it can be on MapBegin event.
  2. The Manialink Factory Will create the manialink UI & it’s content and also handle most of logic for example when user clicks a button and the event needs to travel back to backend.

Core GUI Factories provides you currently 2 types of UI builders to extend with.

  1. WindowFactory
    Is movable, framed and with closing possibility.

  2. WidgetFactory
    Is rendered to be a static, with no frame and without any extra elements.

These behaviours can be extended by other bundles.

example window with simple label Example of a simple window with a label

But on both classes we will only need to implement the 2 abstract methods.

protected function createContent(Manialink $manialink) { }

protected function updateContent(Manialink $manialink) { }

Note: With eXpansion2 when a player disconnect you don’t need to destroy the manialink manually, the core will take care of it!

When your Manialink is displayed for the first time, both of the functions are called. And when UI update is needed, well you guessed right, only updateContent gets called.

Creating a Widget

        class: MyVendor\Bundle\MyBundle\Plugins\Gui\MyWidgetFactory
        autowire: true #You can set this as default if need be
            $name:  'Title of the Widget' # This can be a translation string as well 
            $sizeX: 180 # Width of the ML
            $sizeY: 90  # Height of the ML
            $posX:  null # Position X, if null it will center it
            $posY:  null # Position Y, if null it will center it

The other arguments the factory needs are provided thanks to the autowiring ability of Symfony

If you need any other service in your class, you can extend the construct, either those are autowired or need to be set manually. Refer to the symfony dependency injection docs for more information.

You can also have dynamic positioning with widgets..

Creating the ML Window service.

Window service are nearly identical, you only need to change your extend

so instead of :

class MyWidgetFactory extends WidgetFactory

you will need to write

class MyWidgetFactory extends WindowFactory

The service declaration is then identical thansk to autowiring.

Displaying updating the ML.

Now that our service is created, we will simply inject it in the plugin that will handle the display.

public function __construct(MyWidgetFactory $myWidgetFactory) {

Once this is done we can very simply use the following methods :

$userGroup = $this->mlfactory->create();

The create function either takes in parameter a login or a user group. In case of a user group you don’t need to handle players connecting & disconnecting from the user group. When a player is added to a group or removed from one, his manialinks will be automatically updated.

We can also update the content of a manialink with the update function:


Again using groups is a good idea, particularly for widgets.

Finally we can destroy it.


Sharing between Update & Create functions

You might need to access some element created in the create function in the update function . In this case you must not store manialink specific data on your factory!!

$this->myVariable[$manialink->getUserGroup()->getId()] = "...";

This must never be done.

Instead you can use

$manialink->setData('my_variable', '...');

This way you are sure that when the manialink is destroyed so are those variables. And diminish the possibility of creating a memory leak.

Complete Example

The plugin

Here is an example showing a widget to all players :

Service declaration

        class: eXpansion\Bundle\Menu\Plugins\Menu
        autowire: true
            - {name: expansion.plugin, data_provider: expansion.match_data}

The Service Class

class Menu implements StatusAwarePluginInterface, MatchDataListenerInterface

    /** @var  AdminGroups */
    protected $adminGroups;

    /** @var MenuFactory */
    protected $menuGuiFactory;

     * Menu constructor.
     * @param AdminGroups $adminGroups
     * @param MenuFactory $menuGuiFactory
    public function __construct(AdminGroups $adminGroups, MenuFactory $menuGuiFactory)
        $this->adminGroups = $adminGroups;
        $this->menuGuiFactory = $menuGuiFactory;

     * Set the status of the plugin
     * @param boolean $status
     * @return $this
    public function setStatus($status)
        if ($status) {

        return $this;

     * Display a menu for each user group
    protected function displayMenu()
        foreach ($this->adminGroups->getUserGroups() as $userGroup)
    // ...

The Gui Factory

The service declaration

        class: eXpansion\Bundle\Menu\Plugins\Gui\MenuFactory
        autowire: true
            $name:  'Menu Factory'
            $sizeX: 0
            $sizeY: 0
            $posX:  null
            $posY:  null
            # This can't be autowired as we use same class for multiple services with different params.
            $menuScriptFactory: '' 

The service class

class MenuFactory extends WidgetFactory
    /** @var  ManiaScriptFactory */
    protected $menuScriptFactory;

    /** @var  AdminGroups */
    protected $adminGroupsHelper;

     * @param ManiaScriptFactory $menuScriptFactory
    public function setMenuScriptFactory($menuScriptFactory)
        $this->menuScriptFactory = $menuScriptFactory;

     * @param AdminGroups $adminGroupsHelper
    public function setAdminGroupsHelper($adminGroupsHelper)
        $this->adminGroupsHelper = $adminGroupsHelper;

     * @param Widget $manialink
    protected function createContent(ManialinkInterface $manialink)
        $label = Label::create();



     * @param Widget $manialink
    protected function updateContent(ManialinkInterface $manialink)
        // Do stuff Here.